(S45 Modern Slavery Act 2015)

I have extensive investigative knowledge in modern day slavery as Senior Investigating Officer and Intelligence Manager in major overt and covert investigations. I have experience in the establishment of multi-agency support networks and the policies and procedures required to underpin them.

(S54 Modern Slavery Act 2015)

Guidance on investigations into Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking and on the creation of Multi Agency networks. Advice on the development of a Victim or Survivor Pathway incorporating a bespoke Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) for potential victims of Modern Day Slavery.

How I can help your organisation

• Advice on designing and delivering anti slavery training.

• Guidance on investigations into Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking, including large scale investigations into Organised Crime Groups committing such crimes.

• Guidance and advice on the creation of Multi-Agency networks.

• Advice on the development of a Victim or Survivor Pathway incorporating a bespoke Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) for potential victims of Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking.

• Provide expert witness testimony and advice to legal teams involved in cases of Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking.

• Guidance and advice to statutory agencies and Government departments on Modern Day Slavery and Human Trafficking including the production of research reports.

Media and advocacy; including the support of documentary and film making and other journalistic reporting or projects on the subject.

• Providing UK industry sectors with advice and guidance to understand their responsibilities and best practice associated with tackling labour exploitation in supply chains in compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

UK modern slavery act compliance and  anti-slavery statement central registry
UK modern slavery act compliance and  anti-slavery statement central registry

Trusted by organisations UK wide

Welsh Government

South Wales Police

Gwent Police

Cardiff Council

Church In Wales

HM Courts


Jeff Norman

Hello. My name is Jeff Norman.

Prior to my recent retirement from a management position within law enforcement in the UK, I was the police representative on a group sponsored by the Welsh Assembly Government.

This group delivers policies, procedures and training in anti slavery and human trafficking matters. The group is in the vanguard of shaping services for and identifying potential slavery victims throughout the UK and beyond.I am now permanently based in Wales, UK and have provided support and guidance to many organisations throughout the world which includes speaking at conferences and providing advice and training to groups looking to establish themselves in a similar vein to that in Wales, which is widely regarded as 'best practice' in anti slavery matters.